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Friday, May 17, 2013

Sparkly Heart Birthday #3

I have the biggest smile on my face today.... just knowing I can say THREE YEARS makes me well up with the happiest of tears!

Gabriella blew me her daily kisses today as she walked up to school.... I caught every one as I do every day, but today's were extra sweet. :)

It is a day of survival, a day of appreciation, a day of remembering the steps it took to get where she is today.

I love you, Gabriella!!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another year, frozen in time.

Another year passes. Life moves forward, people continue to age, children continue to grow. But the sweet face of Abbie will remain frozen the same as it was three years ago today when she left this earth too soon. And even though that outdoorsy princess is no longer with her mom, dad, sister and family on earth, her legacy continues every single day right before my eyes as her heart beats in Gabriella.

Thank you for being the most amazing guardian angel, sweet Abbie. 

Please join me as we keep her family in our thoughts and prayers today as they remember this day as the day they said goodbye to their little angel.