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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our Journey Begins.....

Oh my. I always swore I'd never blog. Who would read? Why type out my life? Whats the big thrill in blogging? I have MORE than enough online space to keep me busy between my online personal life and my online business.......

BUT, I got hooked on a blog recently. This man, a true hero in my book, is raising his daughter all alone after loosing his wife 27 hours after childbirth. I spent 3 hours one day last week reading from the beginning. I felt i had truly become part of his story. After reading his blog, I sat and thought about all I had just absorbed. It dawned on me what release he must have by keeping a journal of events. Working through his sorrow on screen. It seemed so theraputic. And theres no better way, in my opinion, to really sort out the words in your head than to put them down on 'paper'. So, thanks Matt. If you ever come to read my puny blog, it's all your fault.

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