FANTASTIC movie! It was far from disappointment, which is what many book-movie situations are! I felt just as involved in it as I did when I read it. The 2 hours went by so fast, I was sitting there ready to watch again! Before I saw it, I made comments on the characters and their casting. But AFTER I saw them play their roles, PERFECT! All the key elements that made the book so amazing were in the movie, and any omissions or changes they made really were so slight they didn't interfere at all! It was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. And when Edward sparkled. Wow.
I DEFINETLY think anyone can go see the movie, but if you can read the book before, do it! You will be able to put more meaning on so many parts if you had read the book!
I loved the movie too. The 2 hours passed by way too quickly though. I wanted more! I don't want to have to wait for the next one!
I can't even put into words how great the movie was. I wish that they had made it a little longer and had been a little more descriptive on key points rather than adding in things that weren't in the book. Other than that, it was amazing. I would love it if I had or hadn't read the book...many times. LoL. Can't wait for New Moon!
PS.....Twilight brough in $70.5 million this weekend alone!
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