1,119 is the number of hits my blog got in the last 7 days. Insane. My little blog that I wrote as a way to release my mind and talk about random musings has received 1/3 of its lifetime activity in 7 days. Thank you, to everyone who cares and to everyone who loves.
This weekend was our ONE chance at deciding how we are going to handle this. We had our 5 days of grieving the news of BabyGirl's results, but we were given 2 whole days to spend, the 4 of us together, and make of it what we wanted to. We had one amazing weekend. We vowed to do nothing but normal stuff. We did, but we did SO much normal stuff, it created an abnormal amount of exhaustion. BabyGirl went to dance class Saturday morning, and we went right from there to play at the splash park at Espee Park in Chandler. Comadre met us there with my Godson, Neice and Nephew and later Nana and Tia showed up with sodas.
After 3 hours of hardcore Arizona sunshine (and sunblock) we went home to relax for a while. We laid in bed and watched some Zack and Cody and then Alice in Wonderland. We geared back up and headed out to my nephews baseball game.
3 hours of soda, frozen lemonade, popcorn, hot dog, cookies, bubbles and hide-and-seek later, we headed home and crashed for a much-needed nights sleep. Sunday we spend a bit more relaxed. We ran some errands, spent some time with Gammy and BabyGirl rode a bike for the first time ever. ♥ It was something Hubby and I were determined to do before life falls apart here soon. That, and fit as many quick weekends to Disneyland in as possible.
Direct link: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v436/Flirt482/2009/May/?action=view¤t=VID00035.flv
I think we utilized our weekend well. I am sure over the next month or so, while we have the opportunity, people are going to think we have lost our minds. We plan on doing as many fun, spontaneous things as possible. Part of me still working for the next few weeks is to harbor that income for those activities. We want to be able to make as many memories as we can. Disneyland, Bounce parties, movies, the Zoo and Aquarium, etc. Whatever we can find, whatever we can to do make memories, whatever we can do to keep the photo albums packed with stories to get us through those times we know are going to be hard.
I was wrong. 1227 unique visits. 909 first time readers. 318 returning readers.
Thank you world. ♥
Of Course my girls have the same Sharpay Bathing Suit! :) Awesome pics and awesome weekend. I love the attitude you have. I love you so freaking much my Bestie!!!!!!
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