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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gabriella's Heart blog goes Carbon Neutral

I was lead to realize by a blog I follow that an average blog with 15,000 visits per month can generate 8lb of carbon emissions a year!

My blog averages 6,300 visits per month (via, but that means my blog is still generating 3.6lbs of carbon emissions!

On the flipside, a tree can absorb 11lbs of carbon emissions! I am sure if you add my readers who read my blog in a feed reader, my Disney planning blog, and my 2 Etsy shops... I contribute to more than that 3.6lbs.

A company named kaudDA has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant trees in an effort to offset the carbon footprint of bloggers Plumas National Forest in Northern California (NorCal- one of my favorite places in the country).

I have submitted my blog commitment, and will display the below posted badge in my sidebar, therefore kaufDA is planting a tree in my blog’s name. Sure, it's small, but imagine if every blogger did this! Every tiny step each person makes for our children's future will add up to be a bigger change.

If you’d like your blog to go carbon neutral, check out the instructions on kaufDA’s site.

carbon neutral coupon with

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