The little sweetheart, Mason, I mentioned just a few days ago as the only other 1-5 year old A+ blood type kiddo waiting for a heart in Region 5...... GOT HIS NEW HEART TODAY!

Just this past week, I was emailing with Summer, Mason's mom. I told her Mason was helping me sleep at night. Knowing he was the other kiddo in the UNOS transplant database with Gabriella in their category gave me peace to sleep because I knew Mason would get the call first. I said this to her, copied directly from my email "But when Mason gets his heart, I'll be back in insomnia mode." HAHAHAHA! So, raise your glasses to my insomnia, which is returning tonight!

Dear Mason, You are truly a miracle. You have defeated the odds, and defied the lines drawn for you. The few months the doctors gave you to live have turned into decades of life. You draw your OWN lines and set your OWN odds... and I pray that is something you use as a tool to reach other people's hearts!
Mason received an Easter Miracle. I love how his Mom writes on her blog:
The most tears I have shed this day are in gratitude for our donor family. On this Easter morning they had to say goodbye to their sweet child. They donated their child's heart on Easter almost like our Savior sacrificed his life for us. He then resurrected on Easter just like our Mason has been given a new chance at life this day. I will be forever grateful to this family and pray that they will know of the joy they have brought to our family. I pray that on each Easter they will think of the gift of life they have shared with our family!
I have spent the entire day with my heart focused on Mason, and the family that gave him new life. I haven't yet been this invested in someone's process who got their new sparkly heart as Miracle Mason, but it has given me a glimpse in such a different way of what it is going to feel like.... that eternal connection to this completely unknown family who has saved your child.
Amazing huh? Can't believe he was only on for ONE month! Praying for him to recover from his transplant (That is SO cool to say) And praying Gabriella will get hers SUPER SUPER soon! :) THANK YOU JESUS!!!
Angela's support team
I am so happy for Mason and his new miracle heart!! Can't wait to read the post.. .Gabriella GOT HER HEART! It'll be soon. I just know it!!
This post gave me chills like I can't explain. Maybe it's because Gabriella is going to get her new heart so soon?! At the same time that I feel joy for Masen I feel great grief for the family who lost their child.
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