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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our 9th Anniversary

Paul and I married 9 years ago today on February 2, 2002 at the ripe ages of 19 and 20. We have been through an insane 9 years, most of that insanity in the last 2 years! But because of all we have survived and experienced together, we are stronger than ever. Our relationship is set apart from the average marriage, and I am thankful for that. He is a wonderful father, a loving husband and a loyal friend. I love you Pauly...



Comfypjs said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you get to enjoy some couple time....

Sara said...

That's such a great picture! I love your dress. I didn't realize you guys were together so long and married so young! My boyfriend is 22, I'm 21 and we've been together 4 years. Not married yet though!

Anyways, Congratulations!