I was trying to avoid it mentally, but the anxiety has settled in.
Gabriella has her follow up biopsy tomorrow 4/12 for her most recent rejection episode. We were so shocked to find she was in rejection in February and our prayer focus for tomorrow is little to ZERO rejection in her cells. We are faithful that the steroids worked, and the fact that she showed no function loss over the last 2 months is very encouraging!!!
As soon as I get results, I will update! Please be in prayer for her and her amazing little heart tomorrow!!!
Praying for y'all. I was in phx Monday. Should have seen if I could find a way to introduce myself. But just know I'm following and praying.
George Schroeder (Christopher's dad)
You know I will Pray for your little Angel.
Tomorrow will be a good day, I just know it.
Wow! you are an incredible mom! sometimes we get so caught up with life and our kids, especially our heart kids, we forget to ask how MOM and Dad are really doing. I too have a daughter who had a heart tranplant 12 years ago and we also went through all the heartaches you are going through now, Well, we are still going. prayers go out to your family... life will find it's way through christ. Ruby from Texas
I am a heart transplant recipient. My transplant was 12 years ago and I am now 28. I am so glad to hear that Gabriella's heart had zero rejection. I want to give you the email address of my mother, just to provide you with a wider social network of mothers who deal with heart transplant kids. It is 805shirley@gmail.com. I loved your Grey's Anatomy quote. It's so appropriate. Children often are so strong that they pick us up off the floor when we are hurting for them. I will keep Gabriella in my prayers and keep watching your blog to hear about her progress.
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