Last Friday, our little clan finished up Christmas shopping, which was such a relief! We went to Target and the mall, with a dinner trip to Famous Dave's in between. (um, yum!) Our hope was to wrap that night, but that didn't quite happen.
Saturday was a much more productive day! Hubby too BabyGirl to dance class while I went grocery shopping with LilMan. We got our Christmas feast purchased, along with other groceries we needed, all saving 41%! When we all met back at home, we had nap times and geared up to leave! We headed to the mall to see Santa and put in our requests with the big guy. He was 30 minutes late coming back to his throne, and looked as if he needed a bit more to eat to fill that suit, but we got to see him! BabyGirl told him all she wanted, Hubby and I got pictures with him, and LilMan wanted nothing to do with the bearded wonder. We grabbed a quickie but yummy dinner at Johnny Rockett's and met my LilSis and her hubby in the parking lot of the mall. We all piled into my van and went cruising for Christmas lights! So much fun, and some really amazing displays! That was a late night rolling in, and again, no wrapping was done! Eeek!
Sunday we all slept in, Hallelujah! Hubby and LilMan stayed home to clean while BabyGirl and I went to LilSis's house to make cookies! I made my Crybabies and sugar cookies, using cookie cutters my mom inherited from her family. My sister made Snicker doodles, chocolate Andes mint cookies, fudge and Oreo balls. My mom made her fantastic chocolate coconut macaroons- to DIE for! I was so sick by the end of the night from sugar, I could hardly stand my skin. BUT when we got home, we finally wrapped all the gifts left to wrap!
Today is Monday, and I hate knowing that in just a few short days all this preparation and celebration will be over for another year. There's nothing like Christmas. The sounds, smells, lights, atmosphere..... it really is unlike any other time of the year. I wish I could say the people, but most people seem to be especially pissy this time of year, which annoys the heck out of me!
We typically spend Christmas Eve by going to church for service, and then heading over to Hubby's side of the family's celebrations. We sit around and eat and watch movies and play white Elephant until midnight when we give eachother hugs and Christmas wishes and open presents. The kids are always such troopers through this! And with Christmas being so tight this year for everyone, I am sure opening won't take AS long as it normally does. But, then again, we all still love to buy for eachother! Christmas day we will spend the morning with just our little foursome and then I personally will spend the rest of the day in the kitchen. LOL... my side of the family will come over (still don't know what time yet!) and we will enjoy a Christmas feast and time together! With a little present opening on the side. LOL.
I wanted to wish everyone who may take time to read my blog a Merry Christmas! I hope you are able to sit and relax and soak in the moments created together with family. Eat, drink and be merry!

1 comment:
Awww! I love your card!
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