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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Want to see her impact in a few numbers?

These are people going right to my blog... not including all of those who already follow her in a blog reader.....

Blog hits Friday 9/25:
2088 visits, 1691 first time visitors and 3241 pages viewed

Blog hits Saturday 9/26:
2174 visits, 1479 first time visitors and 3333 pages viewed

Blog hits Sunday 9/27:
1534 visits, 950 first time visitors and 2172 pages viewed

Her Facebook group has 131 new members.

The lives she has touched or been a part of their prayers: countless.


Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

There are people all over this planet covering your family in prayer!!

(At least one hundred hits a day are from me - checking for updates. hee hee)

Anonymous said...

I've been visiting since Suzy sent out a request for prayers and thoughts. You and your family have been in my thoughts ever since and I find myself wondering throughout the day how Gabriella is doing.