We have such a heart for Kate McRae, whom I have previously mentioned on our blog. Gabriella is practically best friends with her, and they have yet to meet. Even with Gabriella's struggling words, she prays at night "No more ow's me, no more ow's Pay (Kate)"........ Kate is now 6 years old, battling an extremely rare and dangerous brain tumor. If you haven't been following Kate, she has been through brain surgery, 5 rounds of chemo, consults with doctors around the country, and endless scans and testing- just since July 2009. Kate's most recent scan showed that the aggressive study she was participating in did not completely remove the tumor. Her parents were faced with a choice, whether to operate on the tumor which would be a tremendous risk to Kate, or to continue on with radiation and a stem cell transplant to try and beat the remainder tumor. Of course, the other option I'm sure they were given but didn't talk about much was the option to do nothing and let her enjoy life.... the same option we were given mid-May 2009 regarding Gabriella's heart. How does a parent choose what is best for their child? How do you know what the right path is for this human you are completely responsible for? You have faith... which is EXACTLY what Aaron and Holly, her parents, have relied on in whole.
Kare was admitted yesterday for her 6th round of treatment. She will be in the hospital in a private room for up to 6 weeks, and will receive a stem cell transplant. What they will do is completely bottom out her system, and flood it with healthy stem cells harvested months ago. How amazing God has given us the ability and technology to do such a treatment!
Please be in prayer and spread the word about Kate. Just as Gabriella's heart transplant will be a glimmer of hope, I am praying the same for Kate and this stem cell transplant.
Her website for journal updates is http://www.prayforkate.com/ and there is a twitter account that will alert of new journal entries at www.twitter.com/prayforkate. Post a link to this blog entry on your blog or Facebook or Twitter, email the link to your friends, and pray.
And thank you, Brian Wurzell, for the amazing recent picture of Kate and push for a virtual blitz!

Thank you for introducing me to sweet Kate. I'm off to visit her site now. She's precious.
Bless her little heart. Any friend of Gabriella's is a friend of mine. :)
I am praying for miracles for both these sweethearts.
Thank you for letting us know.
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