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Saturday, May 22, 2010


Happy Saturday everyone! I saw this on Twitter today from our friends at Make a Wish Arizona. It his so close to home... And might be my new favorite quote.

"What the heart gives away is never gone. It is kept in the heart of others." - Robin St. John

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Miss Kristi, Please know ALL the Girls at Chandler Regional Have been PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING, for OUR Sweet Gabriella... She Looks Amazing!. I know u All have a Long and trying road to come.. But with the Amazing MOM and Family she Has She will Recover and Thrive quickly with her New Sparkly Heart!. Pls. keep us Posted.. Love to hear her progress. God is GOOD!!!...
All my Love and Prayers
Gina Barreras (RN, CRMC)