When I heard they were reuniting, I seriously jumped out of my skin. Song by song, they were starting to flood the radio again. When their tour was announced, I was determined to not let this opportunity be missed!!! I was out of town the weekend the tickets went on sale, but arranged to have net access to buy my tickets no matter what it took! Well, my sister called me the Wednesday before they went on sale, and gave me the greatest gift I think she could ever give me! She said she won tickets on the radio at the rush-hour by being caller 104! I was seriously ecstatic! She went to go get the tickets the following week and they were upper level seats. Fine by us, they were free after all!
So last night, we headed across town to Jobing.com arena. We met my sister-in-law Z and her friend from work at Margaritaville for dinner. It was nice, for one to be childless and enjoy dinner with girls, but also to hang out with my SIL Z who I miss tons lately! We had drinks, way too much food, and headed over to the concert. Z and her friend had suite tickets, so we parted ways. When they were scanning us in, they informed us we got upgraded seats! Bottom level, row 11! AMAZING! Some random girl named Tammy Chin from Jamaica opened up, Natasha Bedingfield was really good, and then the Boys came out on stage. It was seriously SO overwhelming to see them come out, dancing in sync and moving just like they did 'back when'! They came out with a new song, and they jumped right into the old stuff like they never even left! Watching them do their old moves moved my mind into a different decade, and immediately when songs would start, you remembered all the words! Donnie and his physical appeal (mmm), Joey and his still boyish persona, Jonathan and his gentle and quiet side, Danny and his hip-hop style and Jordan with that voice..... The concert was long, full of energy and they didn't even have an intermission! It was SO loud you couldn't even hear yourself... and whether Donnie was just saying it to get us going or not, he said we were ALMOST the loudest group so far! I seriously never wanted it to end. Their finale of Hangin' Tough was the perfect close to such an amazing night.
Thanks sis, for going with me, winning the tickets, and experiencing something in our adulthood we didn't get to do 15 years ago!
All these pictures were taken by Andrea.... I cannot take credit for them, but they turned out AWESOME!
Awe! Thank you! I had such a blast. It will definitely be one of the memories that I will NEVER forget! I wish it didn't have to end. HaHa. Love you!
Too funny! I got to go see them in Tacoma when I was 8. I was in Looove with Joey! I'm sure I looked like a big 8 year old dork!
I was never a massive fan, but I can TOTALLY see how much fun that must have been! I actually envy you for that experience! GREAT pics too! :-D
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