So yesterday I executed the garage sale that was 6-8wks in the making. I ALMOST postponed it because I wasn't completely ready, etc etc. Well, BOY am I glad i did it! $540 later, I was able to clear out a TON of excess we had hanging around this house! It feels SO good to clean out the stuff in my house, and even better to be doing the same in my life. SO, our Disney trip in September is paid for in full! TOO exciting! only 3 more weeks and we are OUTTA here!
We also went to the Dbacks vs. Dodgers game last night. HOW FUN! It was an exciting game, full of action. My kids were, for the most part, really good! Best part of the night, our Dodgers won! GO MANNY! 2 homers and that guy was on FIRE!
Here are some pics to tide you over!
Manny Ramirez!Ever seen a girl get TACKLED by a man? I hadn't until yesterday! This chick ran out on the field and the security guy came up and PELTED her right before she lifted her dress! I'm sure its going to be a LONG Labor Day weekend in a jail cell for this chick! LOL
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had a great time. LMAO @ the drunk chick.
Great job on the earnings from the garage sale!
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