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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Our friend Mathilda

I posted back in June the day before our new sweet friends sent their one week old baby girl Mathilda into open heart surgery to begin the repair on her heart condition known as Tetralogy of Fallot.... little did they know this heart surgery would only be the beginning of a long journey filled with new medical findings and a little one who would keep them on their toes.

Mathilda has spent most of her little life in the hospital, dealing with infections, a genetic syndrome, her congenital heart defect and numerous little hurdles. She is now 3 months old, and has only spent a couple weeks at home in August. Though Mathilda has been in the hospital, serving to be a medical challenge to the doctors and nurses at Loma Linda, she has kept strong and has 2 loving and amazing parents by her side!

Lisa & Nick, Mathilda's parents, have a wonderful support system of family and friends. They have been working on ways to help Miracle Mathilda, and there is now a Facebook group and Blog set up to keep everyone up to date on her progress! Of course, a support system is never too small... which is why I am reaching out to you!

I encourage you to bookmark their blog or add it to your reader! And on their blog main page is a link to their Facebook page which will be a quick source for information and prayer requests. There is also a link to donate, which I can speak from experience, bills add up and money goes fast.... Please support Miracle Mathilda!

I cannot wait for the day when this beautiful family is home and enjoying their new life as a mom, dad and baby girl! I love you Nick, Lisa & Mathilda!!! I thank God for bringing us together and even when we go back to Arizona, we will always be there for you!!!

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