Until 1147am on May 17, 2010, the same time this is entry is posting, I entered a blog entry that changed our world. Gabriella got her heart call, and we were on our way to California for a life saving 4.5 month stay.
Today, Gabriella is stronger, bigger, smarter, older and happier because of her sparkly new heart. That heart sparkles not only because of the life and health in it and the spirit of Abbie that resides inside, but because of the external love and support all of our family, friends and even strangers gave to us.
And do you know what this also means??? I can say we successfully got through, with minimal effort, the "critical first year". In transplant living, this is monumental. Statistics show nerve wracking numbers, but statistics do not apply to us. God does not operate by statistics, and we remain faithful to His plan. We give all control up to Him and praise Him for his miracles.

<3 Happy heart birthday! I love that God doesn't work through statistics as well.
That's a beautiful pic of baby girl.
I do not know what you are feeling on this grand milestone day. I can only hope to know what it feels like to be on the other side, living a fantastic full life. You and your girl are such an inspiration to me and my girl. I will never forget the afternoon I called you, sitting in my kitchen, desperate for advise from someone who GETS it!!
Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with us.
HAPPY ONE YEAR! Happy Heart Day, Princess G! XOXOXOXO
Wow- a whole year! I can't believe it. What an amazing God we serve! We are still praying for princess Gabriella and your family. So glad she is going strong!
Happy heart day! What an amazing year.
God has blessed you and will continue to bless you because you adore Him and believe in miracles. God is love and LOVE is all around you. Whenever you reach out, God is there. Higher you cannot go, wider you cannot go, deeper you cannot go. God is all in all. Keep Him close forever.
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